1 My heart sings a song From morning till night;
A song full of liberty, Love, and of light:
A song of the Canaan-land, Happy and bright,
And all of my song is Jesus.
Jesus, Jesus, All of my song is Jesus:
From morning till night I sing with delight,—
Jesus, my precious Jesus!
2 My heart hath a rest From sin and from fear;
A rest from all doubting, Disappointment and care:
A rest like the sky, Bending calm o'er the year,—
And all of my rest is Jesus. [Refrain]
3 My heart hath a light In the cloudiest day;
A light which illumines Each moment my way:
A light which will not let The little one stray,—
And all of my light is Jesus. [Refrain]
4 My heart hath a Friend, All compassion and love,
Whose speech falls a soft As the starlight above:
A friend that abideth, And will not remove,—
And that dearest friend is Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #64