1 My heart o’erflows with love,
For Christ has come to me;
Within my heart a change He brings
And grace doth make me free.
My heart is overflowing
With love and joy divine,
For God has taken my sins away
And perfect peace is mine;
He gives me joy and singing,
No longer I repine,
For God has taken my sins away,
And perfect peace is mine.
2 He’s with me ev’ry hour,
I’ll trust His guiding way;
Like Christ my aim, like Him to be,
For He’s my life and stay. [Chorus]
3 When He shall call me home,
To ever with Him be,
I’ll praise Him thro’ eternity,
His blood has ransomed me. [Chorus]
Source: Sunday School and Revival: with Y.M.C.A. supplement #137