1 My gracious, loving Lord,
To thee what shall I say?
Well may I tremble at thy word,
And scarce presume to pray.
2 Ten thousand wants have I;
Alas! I all things want!
But thou hast bid me always cry,
And never, never faint.
3 Yet Lord, well might I fear,
Fear e'en to ask thy grace,
So oft have I, alas! drawn near,
And mock'd thee to thy face.
4 With all pollution stain'd,
Thy hallow'd courts I trod;
Thy name and temple I profan'd,
And dar'd to call thee God!
5 Nigh with my lips I drew:
My lips were all unclean;
Thee with my heat I never knew;
My heart was full of sin.
6 Far from the living Lord,
Far, far from God and heav'n,
Thy purity I still abhorr'd,
Nor look'd to be forgiv'n.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and Prayers, for Public and Private Worship #189