1 My gracious God, accept my pray'r!
If e'er thy love divine
Should prosper my well-meaning care,
And wealth should e'er be mine:
2 May humble worth without a fear
Approach my open door;
Nor may I ever view a tear,
Regardless, from the poor.
3 O bless me with an honest mind,
Above all selfish ends;
Humanely warm to all mankind,
And cordial to my friends.
4 Thee in remembrance may I bear,
To thee my tribute raise;
Conclude each day with fervent pray'r,
And wake each morn with praise.
5 Thus through my life may I approve
The gratitude I owe;
And share at length thy bliss above,
Whose laws I keep below!
Source: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches; to which are added prayers for families and individuals #331