1 My God, the visits of thy face
Afford superior joy
To all the flatt'ring world can give,
Or mortal hopes employ.
2 But clouds and darkness intervene,
My brightest joys decline;
And earth's fay trifles oft ensnare
This wand'ring heart of mine.
3 Lord, guide this wand'ring heart to thee;
Unsatisfied I stray;
Break through the shades of sense and sin
With thy enliv'ning ray.
4 O let thy beams resplendent shine,
And ev'ry cloud remove;
Transform my pow'rs, and fit my soul
For happier scenes above.
5 Lord, raise my faith, my hope, my heart,
To those transporting joys;
Then shall I scorn each little snare,
Which this vain world employs.
6 Then, though I sink in death's cold sleep,
To life shall I awake;
And, in the likeness of my God,
Of heav'nly bliss partake.
Source: A Collection of Hymns and A Liturgy: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran Churches; to which are added prayers for families and individuals #223
First Line: | My God, the visits of thy face |
Author: | Anne Steele |
Copyright: | Public Domain |