1 My God, assist me, while I raise
An anthem of harmonious praise;
My heart thy wonders shall proclaim,
And spread its banners in thy name.
2 In Christ, I view a store divine;
My Father, all that store is thine;
Be thee prepar'd, by thee bestow'd;
Hail to the Saviour, and the God!
3 When gloomy shades my soul o'erspread,
"Let there be light," th' Almighty said;
And Christ, my sun, his beams displays,
And scatters round celestial rays.
4 Condemn'd, thy criminal I stood,
And awful justice ask'd my blood;
That welcome Saviour from thy throne
Brought righteousness and pardon down.
5 My soul was all o'erspread with sin,
And lo, his grace hath made me clean:
He rescues from th' infernal foe,
And full redemption will bestow.
6 Ye saints, assist my grateful tongue;
Ye angels, warble back my song:
For love like this demands the praise
Of heav'nly harps, and endless days.
First Line: | My God assist me, while I raise An anthem of harmonious praise |
Title: | Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification and Redemption |
Author: | Philip Doddridge |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |