I. My Father! form thy Child according to thine Image:
Create, O God, in me a new and contrite Heart:
Vouchsafe to number me in thine unspotted Lineage;
And make me wo by Grace, as thou by Nature art;
And make me wo by Grace, as thou by Nature art.
II. My Light! enlighten me with thy transcendent Favour;
Clear up my dismal Heart; dispel the Clouds of Sin;
By Nature Nothing else but sinful Things I favour;
If Thou withdraw'st thy Light, I am all blind within;
If Thou withdraw'st thy Light, I am all blind within.
III. My everlasting Way! unbar the Gates of Salem,
That I may enter in, and tread the Paths of Peace;
I've sojourne'd long enough amongst the Sons of Balaam,
And now I long for Home, where Sighs of Sin shall cease;
And now I long for Home, where Sighs of Sin shall cease.
IV. O Thou eternal Truth! Let me thy Grace inherit;
And brighten up my Mind with thy Serenity;
And may thy glorious Word cast out the living Spirit,
And strengthen me to stand against that Enemy;
And strengthen me to stand against that Enemy.
V. My Life! live Thou in me, that I in Thee be living,
Fro without Thee I'm dead to all that's truly Good;
Thou art the Bread of Life; this Manna is thy giving;
Feed my distressed Soul with that Celestial Food;
Feed my distressed Soul with that Celestial Food.
VI. My Lamb! most innocent, meek, patient, full of Sweetness,
Create thy lamb-like Mind in me thy straying Sheep:
Enable me to bear, with Patience and with Meekness,
The Cross made light to me by wounding Thee so deep;
The Cross made light to me by wounding Thee so deep.
VII. My Master! Teach thou me to know my great Creator;
Without thy Light I can't behold God who is my Light;
Instruct my Heart and Lips to call him Abba Father,
That mine Addresses may be pleasing in his Sight.
That mine Addresses may be pleasing in his Sight;
VIII. My High-Priest! do not cease to pray for thy lost Creature;
Upon the Father call with me incessantly;
Thy Holy Spirit's Groans support me, when frail Nature
In th' inward Combat shrinks, and has no Strength to cry;
In th' inward Combat shrinks, and has no Strength to cry.
IX. My King! defend thou me, when Flesh, World, Sin and Devil
Assault the Spark of Grace, thou hast vouchsaf'd to me;
The Shadow of thy Wings protect my Soul from Evil,
For he's alone secure, who trusts alone in Thee;
For he's alone secure, who trusts alone in Thee.
X. My Shepherd! feed my Soul with Food of thy Salvation;
And lead me, when I thirst, unto the Water-Springs;
Restrain me when my Soul gives Way to strong Temptation;
My wandring Mind bring back, when pleas'd with empty Things;
My wandring Mind bring back, when pleas'd with empty Things.
XI. My great Physician! heal my Soul, whose Sores are many,
Caus'd by my num'rous Sins so heinous and so foul.
That Sov'reign Remedy, thy Blood that's shed for Any,
Whose Refuge are thy Wounds, apply unto my Soul;
Whose Refuge are thy Wounds, apply unto my Soul.
XII. My Friend! bestow on me thine All-sufficient Graces;
Confirm me more and more in holy Faithfulness:
Grant me full Confidence to fly to thine Embraces,
When Satan, Sin and Hell my trembling Soul oppress;
When Satan, Sin and Hell my trembling Soul oppress.
XIII. My Bridegroom! love me still, endow me with thy Spirit;
Enrich me with thy Grace; print on my Heart thy Seal;
Thy sweet embracing Love, O Lord, let me inherit;
And to my longing Soul thy wond'rous Self reveal;
And to my longing Soul thy wond'rous Self reveal.
XIV. My one and all! let me with thee bo so united,
That I may love but Thee, and scorn all Earthly Toys;
And when I am by Death t'appear before Thee cited,
O, may I be prepar'd for all thy glorious Joys;
O, may I be prepar'd for all thy glorious Joys.
Source: Psalmodia Germanica: or, The German Psalmody: translated from the high Dutch together with their proper tunes and thorough bass (2nd ed., corr. and enl.) #12
First Line: | My Father! form thy child according to thine image |
German Title: | Mein Vater zeuge mich dein Kind |
Author: | Christian A. Bernstein |
Translator: | Johann Christian Jacobi |
Language: | English |
Mein Vater! zeuge mich, dein Kind, nach deinem Bilde. [Names and Offices of Christ.] 1704, No. 62, in 14 stanzas. The translations are:—
(1) "My Father! form Thy Child according to Thine Image," by J. C. Jacobi, 1722, p. 125 (1732, p. 12). (2) "Father, make me Thy child," No. 546 in pt. i. of the Moravian Hymn Book, 1754. [Rev. James Mearns, M. A.]
--Excerpt from Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)