1 My child lie still to rest and sleep,
God's angels are with thee;
Who to thy bed and cradle keep,
Your safeguard thy will be.
2 God is your Father, good and kind,
Your life and breath he gave;
Jesus who was of humble mind,
Died for your soul to save.
3 Yes, Jesus was an infant too,
When born in Bethlehem;
The Shepherd's they were glad to view
That infant when he came.
4 He in a stall and manger lay,
Where cow's and oxen fed;
He rested on the rugged hay,
Not on a downy bed.
5 Thankful should be such babes indeed,
Who on this earth have got;
Such beds and cradles as they need,
But Jesus had them not.
6 He was a truly lovely child,
Delightful to behold!
His countenance were meek and mild
More choice than finest gold.
7 He came to make all infants blest,
To learn them all his way's;
Dear child lie still, and sleep and rest
Till thou canst sing his praise.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCCXLVII