1 Murmuring softly from regions afar,
Come to our souls, with no discords that jar,
Promise of pleasure that pain cannot mar,
Over the beautiful river.
Over the river,
Over the river,
Over the river,
Over the beautiful river.
2 Angelic voices seem born on the air,
Sweetly they sing of the mansions so fair,
Waiting our coming, when free from earth’s care,
Over the beautiful river. [Chorus]
3 Friends have pass’d over and left us alone,
Sadly we griev’d when bereft of our own,
There we will join them around the white throne,
Over the beautiful river. [Chorus]
4 Joy will there banish the mem’ry of pain,
Losses will turn into measureless gain,
All that seems dark here will there be made plain,
Over the beautiful river. [Chorus]
Source: Gems and Jewels #44