1 Moses, he gave the fi'ry Law,
Which brought no Strength, nor Pow'r to draw;
But the chief End for which it came,
Was to accuse, and to condemn;
That Man might die to all his boasted Good,
Despair of Life 'till brought to Jesu's Blood.
2 By Jesus, a diviner Name,
Eternal Grace, in Justice, came;
The Grace giv'n us in Christ, our Head,
Ere Time commenc'd, or Worlds were made:
In all th' Extent of Truth to be reveal'd,
Jesus ador'd! and human Nature heal'd.
3 What Grace appear'd at Jesu's Birth,
In all his humbled Life on Earth!
What Grace in all his Torments great!
His Wounds, his Death, and bloody Sweat:
All witnessing his Love, and Love of God!
Pardon, and Peace, to sinful Man by Blood.
4 Grace! O how charming is the Sound!
Of us, who sought him not, he's found:
Unask'd, God did his Son reveal
In us; nor did that Love conceal,
Which wrought for us, upon the bloody Tree,
Salvation, everlasting, full, and free.
5 Fulness of Grace to Christ is giv'n;
In him is all the Fund of Heav'n:
For us each Talent he improves;
He dy'd and lives, the Man he loves;
He says, Whene'er our Emptiness we view,
Sufficient is my Grace and Truth for you.
6 How rich the Grace that plans our Ways!
And crowns with Blessings all our Days!
What tho', in this our Pilgrimage,
We feel both Man and Satan's Rage?
All those Things work together for our Good;
Such is the Grace that came by Jesu's Blood.
7 Lord Jesus Christ, we bless thy Name;
By thee our great Salvation came:
Thy Streams of Grace and Truth shall flow
On us, this barren Desart, thro':
Thro' this dark World, our Wants are wll supply'd;
Nor shall we fail, for Jesus is our Guide.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #I.LXIII