1 Mortals, give ear, the awful day,
The last, the great assize,
Advances swift as minutes fly
The guilty to surprise.
2 That eye which sees thro’ darkest shades
Of secrecy and night;
That ear which every whisper hears
Shall bring each deed to light.
3 How will the guilty trembling stand
To see their sins revealed?
And all their thoughts made public then
Which lay before concealed.
4 Horror and anguish seize their souls,
Despoiled of each disguise:
Despair now racks their guilty breasts,
And hope for ever dies.
5 Not so the righteous—they shall stand,
Nor vengeance them affright:
The Judge who goodness loves will bring
Their secret good to light.
6 Blushing with joy, the saint shall hear
Each pious deed proclaimed;
And see his name with honor shine
By malice once defamed.
7 Thus by an interposing sphere
The sun is veiled in night,
But soon he shows his face with all
The majesty of light.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9455