1 More precious than the rubies and pearls,
More precious than gold,
Shine forth the holy counsels of God,
Which wisdom doth unfold;
She bringeth life and blessing to all,
And happiness.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness
And all her paths are peace.
Alone in paths of wisdom
Are happiness and bliss;
Her ways are ways of pleasantness
And all her paths are peace.
2 Walk in the way of wisdom and faith,
The Lord to know;
Walk in the holy counsels of truth
And thou shalt safely go.
Each day the path will grow the more bright,
The joy increase.
Her ways are ways of pleasantness
And all her paths are peace. [Refrain]
3 Then seek in love and wisdom and truth,
And faith to grow,
Above all else deserving each day
The will of God to know.
And thou shall find a heaven on earth
Of perfect bliss;
Her ways are ways of pleasantness
And all her paths are peace. [Refrain]
Source: Triumphant Songs No.2 #134