1 More and more like Jesus,
I would ever be,
Showing forth His meekness
And humility.
I would have His courage
Ever to be true,
And His Holy Spirit
All my life imbue.
More and more like Jesus,
This my pray’r shall be,
Till, in heav’n He owns me,
Through eternity.
2 More and more like Jesus,
This my earnest pray’r,
Strength instead of weakness,
Joy in place of care.
Striving, like the Master,
Some poor soul to win,
To His blessed kingdom,
From a life of sin. [Chorus]
3 More and more like Jesus,
This shall be my aim,
Losing sight of self, and
All but His dear name.
Going where He leads me,
Doing as He wills,
Till His perfect glory,
All my glad heart thrills. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #209