1 Midnight’s sable hour is passing,
Silence o’er creation reigns;
Nature rests in softest slumbers,
Stars adorn th’ethereal plains;
Now Judea’s gentle shepherds
Watch their sleeping fleecy care;
When the heavenly portals open,
And soft murmurs wake the air.
2 Then behold a glorious angel
Down from Heav’n directs his flight;
And around the rural watchmen
Sheds an overwhelming light;
“Hail! ye shepherds! fear no evil,
I to you glad tidings bring;
Tidings now thro’ Heav’n resounding,
Praise to your eternal King.
3 "Go to Bethle’m, David’s city,
On this happy, happy morn,
Jesus, Lord of men and angels,
There for you today is born!
Go to Bethlehem; there the Infant
In a humble manger laid,
Where you find Him there adore Him,
To Him endless praise be paid."
4 Heave their hearts with glad emotion,
While they listen to his word;
When he ceased, a choir of angels
Sang mostly sweetly of their Lord;
Glory to Jehovah, glory,
Glory to Jehovah’s Son;
Peace and earth and heav’nly blessing,
Man’s redemption is begun!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12372