1 ‘Mid the lightning’s lurid flash,
And the thunder’s startling crash
There are voices calling loud for helping hands;
Shall we never heed their cry?
Shall we let them sink and die?
And not even throw a line to them from land?
Throw a line, throw a line.
Help the perishing to shore,
While the breakers loudly roar;
Throw a line, throw a line.
Strong and ample, that will bring them to the shore.
2 ‘Mid the breakers near the coast
They will surely all be lost,
If the signal is not followed for a guide;
O my brother, lend a hand,
Try to help them safe to land,
Throw a line that reaches to the other side. [Refrain]
3 Yes, the line that we will use,
Is the one the Saviour chose,
With the scarlet thread so nicely intertwined;
It is strong and sure, and saves
Souls that struggle ‘mid the waves,
Throw it out to all the perishing you find. [Refrain]
4 When the storms of life are past,
And we’re landed safe at last,
We shall greet each other by the crystal sea,
There no waves of trouble roll;
There is joy in ev’ry soul,
Save by Jesus’ blood to all eternity. [Refrain]
Source: New Songs of Pentecost No. 2 #66