1 Methinks, when in the judgment,
I stand at God’s white throne,
My sins will rise before me,
Their awful guilt I’ll own;
Then in that awful moment
I’ll reach the Savior’s side,
And touch His flowing garments,
For ’twas for me He died.
2 He has from sin redeemed me,
I know I am His child;
But when I stand in Heaven,
Before Heav’n’s undefiled,
Past memories may come o’er me,
My sin remembered be,
But oh! I shall remember,
That Jesus died for me.
3 Oh, I would not forget them,
Lest I’d forget ’tis meet,
To kneel before my Savior,
Low at His piercèd feet;
When crowned with Him in glory,
I’d in His wounds abide,
Confess thro’ endless ages,
That for my sins He died.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11555