1 Master, hast thou work for me?
I would gladly toil for thee;
I have neither strength nor skill,
Yet some place I long to fill;
Tho' my hands are small and weak,
Yet some little task I seek.
Master, hast thou work for me?
I would gladly toil for thee.
2 Let me learn in early youth,
Lessons from thy Book of truth;
Let me seek to walk thy ways,
Know thy will and sing thy praise;
Heart and hands to thee I bring,
Let me serve thee, holy King!
Master, hast thou work for me?
I would gladly toil for thee.
3 Let me daily sow some seed,
Daily do some kindly deed;
Grant thy loving help to me,
Give me perfect trust in thee;
Trusting thee to teach me how,
Let me serve thee, here and now.
Master, hast thou work for me?
I would gladly toil for thee.
Source: Christ in Song: for all religious services nearly one thousand best gospel hymns, new and old with responsive scripture readings (Rev. and Enl.) #571