Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care,
O Mother loved, be my life my stay,
Guide and love me, save and protect me,
Till the dawn of eternal day.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care;
O Mother loved, be my life, my stay.
1 O Mother loved, watch over me,
So helpless, toss'd on life's rough sea;
Kindly shed from heaven above
A mother's sweet fond smile of love.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care,
O Mother loved, be my life my stay,
Guide and love me, save and protect me,
Till the dawn of eternal day.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care;
O Mother loved, be my life, my stay.
2 O Mother loved, watch over me,
From sin and danger keep me free;
When temptation's waves angry flow,
Thyself to me a Mother show.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care,
O Mother loved, be my life my stay,
Guide and love me, save and protect me,
Till the dawn of eternal day.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care;
O Mother loved, be my life, my stay.
3 O Mother loved, watch over me,
When life is bright and fair to see,
Who so need thy clear guiding ray
As those who walk the flow'ry way.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care,
O Mother loved, be my life my stay,
Guide and love me, save and protect me,
Till the dawn of eternal day.
Mary, hear my fervent prayer,
Take me 'neath thy care;
O Mother loved, be my life, my stay.
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #74