1 Marching, ever onward,
Little trav’lers, we,
Starting on life’s journey
With hearts light and free,
Skies are blue above us,
Bright the flower band,
While we’re bravely marching,
Through life’s Summer land.
Marching ever hand in hand,
Marching through life’s summer land,
Little deeds of kindness,
Like a magic wand,
Brighten paths of duty,
In life’s Summer land.
2 Let us, like the sunshine,
Every day, impart
Light and joy and gladness
Unto many a heart,
Shadows dark will vanish
At our glad command,
While we’re bravely marching,
Through life’s Summer land. [Refrain]
3 Every day we journey
We are sowing seeds,
Kind words grow to blossoms,
Frowns are ugly weeds,
Let us know but kindness,
In our happy band. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #161