1 March onward, gladly onward,
With happy songs of praise,
Before you gleams a banner,
All bright with holy rays.
March onward where the banner
Of truth divine doth glow,
March onward, gladly onward,
Where Jesus bids you go.
2 March onward with rejoicing
That you have been enrolled,
In Christ’s triumphant army,
Whose numbers are untold.[Refrain]
3 March onward never doubting,
Your great Commander’s word,
That all shall gain the vict’ry,
Who battle for the Lord.[Refrain]
4 March onward in the service
Of Christ, the Saviour King,
And then on heights of glory,
The songs of conquest sing. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifted Voices: a 20th century hymn book for sunday-schools and devotional meetings #148