ما ترى يمحو الذنوب

Representative Text

1- ما تُرى يمحو الذنوب
ليس لي سوى دماه
أو يطهر القلوب
ليس لي سوى دماه

ينبوعُ ذي الدما
نلت به الشفاء
كالثلج في النقاء
طهرَتْ قلبي دماه

2- ما لنفسي من صلاح
بسوى فيض دماه
بفداه البرُّ لاح
عندما سالت دماه

3- لسلامي والرجاء
ليس لي سوى دماه
ولطُهري والنقاء
ليس لي سوى دماه

4- وَحيُ إيماني به
ليس لي سوى دماه
آمِنٌ بقربه
ليس لي سوى دماه

5- كي أعيش مع يسوع
ليس لي سوى دماه
ها هنا وفي الربوع
ليس لي سوى دماه

Source: تسابيح الرجاء #47

Transaltor: Milhim Dhahabiyyeh ملحم ذهبية

ملحم ذهبية Go to person page >

Author: Robert Lowry

Robert Lowry was born in Philadelphia, March 12, 1826. His fondness for music was exhibited in his earliest years. As a child he amused himself with the various musical instruments that came into his hands. At the age of seventeen he joined the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia, and soon became an active worker in the Sunday-school as teacher and chorister. At the age of twenty-two he gave himself to the work of the ministry, and entered upon a course of study at the University of Lewisburg, Pa. At the age of twenty-eight he was graduated with the highest honors of his class. In the same year of his graduation, he entered upon the work of the ministry. He served as pastor at West Chester, Pa., 1851-1858; in New York City, 1859-1861;… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: ما ترى يمحو الذنوب
English Title: Nothing But the Blood
Transaltor: Milhim Dhahabiyyeh ملحم ذهبية
Author: Robert Lowry
Language: Arabic
Refrain First Line: ينبوع ذي الدما



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)

تسابيح الرجاء #47

تسابيح المحبة #132

Include 1 pre-1979 instance
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