1 Lullaby, Lullaby, Angels guard thy sleeping,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Faithful watch they're keeping,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Soft the winds are sighing,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Peaceful lullaby.
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Soft the winds are singing,
Lullaby, Lullaby,
Peaceful Lullaby.
2 Lullaby, Lullaby, Sweet the tones are ringing,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Angel guards are singing,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Peaceful be thy dreaming,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Peaceful lullaby. [Chorus]
3 Lullaby, Lullaby, Not for thee the morrow,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Hast'ning with its sorrow,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Sleep in quiet resting.
Lullaby, Lullaby, Peaceful lullaby. [Chorus]
4 Lullaby, Lullaby, Free from care or danger,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Rest thee in the manger,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Evil ne'er can harm thee,
Lullaby, Lullaby, Peaceful lullaby. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #208