1 Loyalty and love to Jesus,
This shall be our pledge today,
He as King shall reign, willing tribute gain,
Over ev’ry heart and soul hold sway.
His shall be the hand that leads us,
His the voice that we obey,
Loyalty and love, loyalty and love,
Loyalty and love we’ll bring to Jesus.
He alone we will own,
As our Shepherd and Defender,
In His Name worlds we’ll claim,
Christ shall be our Captain and King.
Loyalty and love to Jesus,
This shall be our song today,
He as King shall reign, willing tribute gain,
This shall be the pledge we bring to Jesus,
His shall be the hand that leads us,
His the voice that we obey,
Loyalty and love,
Loyalty and love,
Loyalty and love, bring to Jesus.
2 Loyalty and love to Jesus,
This shall be the song we raise,
This the solemn vow given to Him now,
Offered up with sacrifice of praise.
Only He shall guide us onward,
Only He direct our ways,
Loyalty and love, loyalty and love,
Loyalty and love we’ll bring to Jesus.
In command He shall stand,
We will follow where He leads us,
Day by day, all the way,
Christ shall be our Captain and our King. [Chorus]
3 Loyalty and love to Jesus,
Gladly let the watchword ring,
This the vow we make this the pledge we take,
This the heart-felt tribute that we bring,
Honor to the Lord of glory,
Honor to our heav’nly King,
Loyalty and love, loyalty and love,
Loyalty and love we bring to Jesus.
While we live, we will give,
Truest honor and devotion,
Songs will raise, in His praise,
Christ shall be our Captain and our King. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #140