Lowly and solemn be
Thy children’s cry to Thee,
Father divine!
A hymn of suppliant breath,
Owning that life and death
Alike are Thine.
O Father, in that hour
When earth all helping power
Shall disavow;
When spear, and shield, and crown,
In faintness are cast down,
Sustain us Thou!
By him who bowed to take
The death-cup for our sake,
The thorn, the rod;
From whom the last dismay
Was not to pass away,
Aid us, O God!
And now beside the grave,
We call on Thee to save,
Father divine!
Hear, hear our suppliant breath;
Keep us, in life and death,
Thine, only Thine!
Source: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #344