1 Loving hearts we bring,
Free salvation sing;
To the Lamb all praise be given;
If our faith endure,
And our lives be pure,
We shall dwell with Him in heaven.
O at last may we
All the glory see
In the home above;
Then behold His face,
And adore His grace,
While the years eternal move.
2 Eden’s fields are fair,
And its fruits are rare,
Chilling winds they never know;
‘Mid the fadeless green
Brightest flowers are seen,
And the living waters flow. [Refrain]
3 Tears and sorrows cease,
All is joy and peace,
In the City of our God;
Free from stain of sin
All who enter in,
Washed in Christ’s most precious blood. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #137