1 Love not the world! Its dazzling show
Conceals a snare of death;
The sweetest joy earth can bestow,
Dies as a wasted breath.
Love not the world is Jesus' plea,
Sweet life to you he brought;
Alone with death on Calvary,
Your sin-lost soul he sought.
2 Love not the world! Its wealth, renown,
The blood-bought soul enslaves;
Oh, strive to win a heav'nly crown,
Which plumes of glory wave. [Refrain]
3 Love not the world! Its sin and strife
Exceed the good and true;
Oh, consecrate to Christ your life!
He drained death's cup for you. [Refrain]
4 Love not the world! Pure joys above
All earthly things transcend;
In Jesus lose each idol love,
And ever upward tend. [Refrain]
5 Love not the world! O Christian, hear,
In shining words impearled,
Shall on your holy brow appear,
"He did not love the world." [Refrain]
Source: The Christian Hymnary. Bks. 1-4 #264