1 Love must be sincere and honest;
Hate what’s evil, keep the good.
Be devoted to each other;
Honor them as Jesus would.
Never lack in zeal or fervor;
Serve the Lord with all your heart.
2 Patient, joyful, always faithful,
In affliction, hope and prayer.
Share with those who need assistance,
Always ready your home to share.
Bless all those who persecute you;
Bless and do not curse their names.
3 Joy with those who are rejoicing;
Weep with those who mourn their fate.
Live in peace; be not conceited;
Mingle with those of low estate.
Never pay back wrong with evil,
Do what’s right in all men’s eyes.
4 Live at peace with every person;
Avenge not—God metes out wrath;
Give your enemy food and water:
He may change his wicked path;
Don’t let evil triumph o’er you;
Overcome each wrong with good.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11155