1 Loud Jehovah’s praises swell,
He for us does all things well—
Gave his Son our sins to bear,
Every grief and pain to share.
2 Loudly let our voices ring,
Thanks and honor to him bring;
He to us is ever kind,
Lifts the fallen, heals the blind.
3 Praise him for his fold of love
Here on earth like that above,
For his satins baptized in one,
Like the Father, Spirit, Son.
4 Praise him when ‘tis darkest night,
Praise him when the sun is bright,
Praise him now, the life, the way,
Praise him, laud him all the day.
5 Praise him all our journey long,
Praise him in our pray’r and song;
Praise him till his face we see,
Praise him then eternally.
Source: Truth in Song: for General Gospel Work #25