1. Loud Hallelujah's sing:
From heavens Jehovah praise;
His fame the Imperial ring.
In the sublimest lays.
2. Angels begin
The lofty song;
His hosts great throng,
To praise strike in.
3. Praise him, ye sun, and moon,
Which rule the day, and night;
His praise be all your tune,
Ye glittering stars of light.
4. Heaven's heavens vast frame,
Waters that rise
Above the skies,
His praise proclaim,
5. Let them in this accord,
To praise Jehovah's name;
For he but spake the word,
And they from nothing came.
6. He fixed them fast,
From changes free,
By his decree;
Which firm shall last.
7. Praise God from earth below;
Ye dragons, and each deep;
8. Fire, hail, and mist, and snow,
And storms, his word which keep.
9. Hills, mountains high.
Trees bearing fruit;
Cedars that shoot
So near the sky.
10. Beasts wild, and tame, and things
That creep, or wing the air;
11. All subjects, and all kings,
Princes, and judges here:
12. His praise be sung,
By hoary heads,
Young men, and maids,
And the infant's tongue.
13. Let all address his throne,
In praise, with one consent;
Jehovah's name alone,
Is wondrous excellent:
His glories far
Above earth rise,
Transcend the skies,
And every star.
14. His people's horn he raised.
And high advanced their fame;
By all his saints is praised
His ever glorious Name:
By Israels race,
A people near,
And to him dear.
Jehovah praise.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752