1 Loud and sharp, O Christian soldiers,
Peals the trumpet of the Lord!
Leaping into line of battle,
Wield the spirit’s flaming sword!
More is Christ than all against you,
Form your columns firm and close;
Pressing on o’er trench and rampart,
You shall vanquish all your foes!
2 Fierce the conflict, but your mettle
Is the sort true manhood boasts;
Soon or late, at last shall Satan
Flee before your cheering hosts! [Refrain]
3 Who’re afraid and who are fearful,
Let them turn now and depart;
Gideon kept three hundred only,
But each man a valiant heart. [Refrain]
4 Saints on earth and saints in glory—
Clouds of witnesses around,—
Men and angels—all are praying,
Lest you halt and yield your ground. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns for Today: for Sunday Schools, Young People's Societies, The Church, The Home, Community Welfare Associations, and Patriotic Meetings #247