A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #545
Display Title: Lord, should we leave thy hallow'd feet First Line: Lord, should we leave thy hallow'd feet Date: 1834
A Collection of Hymns and a Liturgy #545
1 Lord, should we leave Thy hallowed feet,
To whom should we repair?
Where else such holy comforts meet,
As spring eternal there?
2 Earth has no fount of true delight,
No pure perennial stream;
And sorrow's storm, and death's long night,
Obscure life's brightest beam.
3 Unmingled joys 'tis Thine to give,
And undecaying peace:
For Thou canst teach us so to live,
That life shall never cease.
4 Thou only canst the cheering words
Of endless life supply;
Anointed of the Lord of lords,
The Son of God most high!
Source: Church Book: for the use of Evangelical Lutheran congregations #227
First Line: | Lord, should we leave Thy hallowed feet |
Author: | George W. Doane |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |