Lord, once our faith in man no fear could move;
Now save it from despair!
The trial comes; strengthen the might of love:
Father, Thou hearest prayer!
Thou hearest; and we hear, above this din,
Thy blessed word sound clear:
“I purge this land from slavery and sin;
The reign of heaven draws near.”
O, never falter, ye who strive to bring
In men the heavenly birth;
For still the angel hosts unfaltering sing,
“Peace to the weary earth!”
O, never falter! peace must come by pain;
Heaven is not found, but won;
Hold the dark angel till he moulds again
The peace he hath undone.
We know not, Lord, what storms and trials strong
Must work our world’s new birth;
But we will toil, with this for working-song,—
“Peace to the weary earth!”
Peace to the weary, struggling, sin-sick earth!
Peace to the heart of man!
Storm shall bring calm; that high reward is worth
All we must bear, or can.
Source: A Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion (15th ed.) #420