Lord of mercy, God [and] of might

Lord of mercy, God [and] of might

Author: Wilson T. Hogue
Published in 4 hymnals

Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 Lord of mercy, and of might,
Dwelling in effulgence bright,
Shed Thy gracious beams on me,
In Thy freedom make me free.

Fill me now, O fill me now;
Holy Spirit, fill me now;
Take my life and make it Thine,
Cleanse and fill by pow’r divine.

2 Lord of earth, and heav’n above,
Fill me now with perfect love;
Sanctify by pow’r divine,
And from dross my heart refine. [Chorus]

3 Lord of light, and life, and pow’r,
Guide me, guard me ev’ry hour;
Gird me for life’s toilsome way;
Turn its darkness into day. [Chorus]

4 Lord of grace, and truth, and love,
Fit me here for heav’n above;
Let me lose my will in Thine;
In Thine image let me shine. [Chorus]

Source: Light and Life Songs No. 4 #128

Author: Wilson T. Hogue

Born: March 6, 1852, Lyndon, New York. Died: February 13, 1920, Springfield, Illinois. Buried: In the family plot at Franklinville, New York. Hogue was a bishop of the Free Methodist Church, and first president of Greenville College, Illinois. His works include: History of the Free Methodist Church/ Hymns That Are Immortal The Holy Spirit Old Time Methodist Class Meeting The First Day Sabbath (Chicago, Illinois: Free Methodist Publishing House, 1901) --www.hymntime.com/tch/… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Lord of mercy, God [and] of might
Author: Wilson T. Hogue
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 4 of 4)
Page Scan

Free Methodist Hymnal #373

Hymns of Faith and Life #274

TextAudioPage Scan

Light and Life Songs No. 4 #128

Page Scan

The Wesleyan Methodist Hymnal #373

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