1 Lord of Holiness and Light,
Purify us in Thy sight!
Now Thy precious blood apply;
Set apart and sanctify;
For Thy service we would be
Cleansed from all iniquity!
2 In our being, oh, we pray,
Come and be at home today;
Come and lay aside disguise,
We would see Thee with our eyes;
We would hold Thee to life’s end,
God, and Comforter, and Friend.
3 We would know Thee, close and dear,
We would show Thee, far and near;
If our lives are hid in Thee,
Others shall Thy likeness see,
And the sight of Thee shall draw
Souls in reverential awe.
4 Lord of Holiness and Might,
Come and fill us with Thy light;
Send the holy, heav’nly dove,
From Thy throne of pow’r above;
Grant us, Lord, our hearts’ desire,
Dip us in Thy font of fire.
Source: Gold Tried in the Fire: suitable for church, Sunday school, revival meetings, missionary and rescue work #42