1 Lord of Heaven and earth and sea,
We would render thanks to thee
For the blessing thou hast given,
Joys of earth and hopes of Heaven.
Grateful for thy loving care,
We have built this house of prayer,
And with hearts sincere, we pray
For thy presence here this day.
2 Help us, Lord, each one to be
Consecrated unto thee;
Make each heart a living stone
In a temple all thine own.
Holy Spirit, fill this place
With thy pentecostal grace;
Dwell with us, and from this hour
Manifest thy mighty power.
3 Generations yet to be
In this house may worship thee;
Work, which now we gladly share,
Will be then in other care.
Grant, O Lord, whate’er may be,
That thy word, from error free,
May be cherished, true and pure,
While this fabric shall endure.
Source: The Song Book of the Salvation Army #941