1 LORD, let my cry before Thee rise,
With Thy good counsels make me wise;
Before Thee let my pray'r come near,
For me, who trust Thy Word, appear.
2 My lips, O LORD, shall speak Thy praise,
When from Thy law I've learn'd Thy ways;
My tongue shall all Thy truth confess,
For all Thy words are righteousness.
3 O let Thy hand afford me aid,
Who have my choice Thy precepts made:
Salvation is my heart's desire,
I love what Thy commands require.
4 O let me live, and Thee I'll praise,
Helped by Thy Word, through all my days;
Like a lost sheep too oft I've err'd,
O seek me, for I love Thy Word.
Source: Psalms of Grace #119:169-176a