1 Lord Jesus Christ,
My Savior blest,
My Hope and my Salvation!
I trust in Thee;
Deliver me
From misery;
Thy Word's my consolation.
2 As Thou dost will,
Lead Thou me still
That I may truly serve Thee,
My God, I pray,
Teach me Thy way,
To my last day
In Thy true faith preserve me.
3 Most heartily
I trust in Thee;
Thy mercy fails me never.
Dear Lord, abide;
My Helper tried,
Thou Crucified,
From evil keep me ever.
4 Now henceforth must
I put my trust
In Thee, O dearest Savior.
Thy comfort choice,
Thy Word and voice,
My heart rejoice
Despite my ill behavior.
5 When sorrows rise,
My refuge lies
In Thy compassion tender.
Within Thine arm
Can naught alarm;
Keep me from harm,
Be Thou my strong Defender.
6 I have Thy Word,
Christ Jesus, Lord;
Thou never wilt forsake me.
This will I plead
In time of need.
Oh, help me speed
When troubles overtake me!
7 Grant, Lord, we pray,
Thy grace each day
That we, Thy Law revering,
May live with Thee
And happy be
Before Thy throne appearing.
Source: Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary #258