1 Lord, it is thy holy day;
Here we meet to praise and pray;
Joining with one heart and mind,
Earthly cares we leave behind.
On the day which thou hast made,
Us in our rejoicings aid.
2 Glad as when the glorious shout
Of the morning stars rang out,
Thee, Creator, will we praise,
And our hymns of triumph raise.
Sun and moon, your songs unite;
Praise him, all ye stars of light!
3 Louder yet our strains be borne,
Mindful of that happy morn,
When the world's Redeemer rose,
Victor from the grave's repose;
Who by death subdued the grave:
Mighty he our souls to save.
4 Looking for that rest above,
For the Sabbath of thy love,
Here to-day by hope we rise
To our mansion in the skies:
Here by faith and love prepare
For our endless Sabbath there.
Source: Laudes Domini: a selection of spiritual songs ancient and modern #54