1 Lord, in Thy presence dread and sweet,
Thine own dear Spirit we entreat
His seven-fold gifts to shed
On us who fall before Thee now,
Bearing the cross upon our brow
On which our Master bled.
2 Spirit of Wisdom! turn our eyes
From earth and earthly vanities,
To heavenly truth and love.
Spirit of Understanding true!
Our souls with holy light endue
To seek the things above.
3 Spirit of Counsel! be our Guide;
Teach us by earthly struggles tried
Our heavenly crown to win.
Spirit of Fortitude! Thy power
Be with us in temptation's hour,
To keep us free from sin.
4 Spirit of Knowledge! lead our feet
In Thine own path secure and sweet,
By angel footsteps trod;
Where Thou our Guardian true shalt be,
Spirit of gentle Piety!
To keep us close to God.
5 But most of all, be ever near,
Spirit of God's most holy Fear!
In our hearts' inmost shrine:
Our souls with loving reverence fill,
To worship His most holy will,
All righteous and divine.
6 So, dearest Lord, through peace or strife,
Lead us to everlasting life,
Where only rest may be.
What matters where our lot is cast,
If only it may end at last
In Paradise with Thee!
Source: The Church Hymnal: containing hymns approved and set forth by the general conventions of 1892 and 1916; together with hymns for the use of guilds and brotherhoods, and for special occasions (Rev. ed) #248