1 LORD, if You dost not soon appear,
virtue and faith will fly away;
a faithful man amongst us here
will scarce be found, if You delay.
2 But lips that with deceit abound
shall not maintain their triumph long;
the God of vengeance will confound
the flatt'ring and blaspheming tongue.
3 The LORD, who sees the poor oppressed
and hears th'oppressor's haughty strain,
will rise to give His children rest,
nor shall they trust His word in vain.
4 Thy Word, O LORD, though often tried,
void of deceit shall still appear:
nor silver, sev'n times purified
from dross and mixture, shines so clear.
5 Thy grace shall, in the darkest hour,
defend the holy soul from harm;
though when the vilest men have pow'r,
on ev'ry side will sinners swarm.
Source: Psalms of Grace #12a