1 Lord, I would be a shining light
To guide some wand'ring soul aright;
To shine upon the upward way
That leads unto the gates of day.
Lord, keep me near Thee ev'ryday,
Nor ever let me go astray;
May this my earthly mission be
To lead some soul to heav'n and Thee.
2 Lord, I would be a cheerful voice,
To bid some grieving heart rejoice;
To give some soul by sorrow riv'n,
A little foretaste here of heav'n. [Chorus]
3 Lord, I would be a sunbeam bright
To shed upon the world Thy light;
Within some spirit, filled with gloom,
To make hope's fairest flowers bloom. [Chorus]
4 Lord, I would be a helpful hand,
To fill with good a needy land;
To guide some soul across life's sea,
Safe into heav'n and home with Thee. [Chorus]
Source: Little Branches No. 2: a collection of songs prepared especially for the primary and infant deparments of the sunday school #2