1 Hear, O my LORD, regard my cry,
my prayer from lips sincere;
send Thine approval from on high,
to make my standing clear;
and greatly as my heart is tried,
O may I not have turned aside;
and greatly as my heart is tried,
O may I not have turned aside.
2 LORD, I resolve with firm desire
no wrong to speak or do;
Thy path alone I choose for mine,
to walk with purpose true;
I cry for help, O LORD to Thee
assured that Thou wilt answer me;
I cry for help, O LORD to Thee
assured that Thou wilt answer me.
3 O keep me, LORD, may I be found
the apple of Thine eye;
with deadly foes arrayed around
to Thee alone I cry;
my only trust and refuge be;
and let Thy wings o'ershadow me;
my only trust and refuge be;
and let Thy wings o'ershadow me.
4 Guard me from those whose joy and pride
and portion is below;
who, with life's treasures satisfied,
no better purpose know;
who, with earth's stores of wealth content,
must leave them all when life is spent;
who, with earth's stores of wealth content,
must leave them all when life is spent.
5 When, clothed in righteousness at last,
Thy glorious face I see,
when all this weary night is past,
and I awake with Thee
to view the glories that abide,
Then– how I shall be satisfied!
to view the glories that abide,
Then– how I shall be satisfied!
Source: Psalms and Hymns to the Living God #17
First Line: | Lord, hear the right, regard my cry, My prayer from lips sincere |
Title: | Lord, Hear the Right |
Meter: | |
Language: | English |
Copyright: | Public Domain |