1 LORD, hear my Pray'r, and to my Cry
Thy wonted Audience lend;
In thy accustom'd Faith and Truth,
A gracious Answer send,
Nor to thy Justice bring
Thy servant strictly to be try'd;
For no frail mortal Man
Can in thy Sight be justify'd,
2 The spiteful Foe pursues my Life,
Whose Comforts all are fled;
He drives me into Caves as dark
As Mansions of the Dead.
My Spirit is o'erwhelm'd,
And therefore sinks within my Breast;
My Heart grows desolate,
With heavy Woes too much oppress'd.
3 I call to mind the Days of old,
And Wonders thou hast wrought,
My former Dangers and Escapes
Employ my musing Thought.
To thee my in humble Pray'r,
My Hands I fervently stretch out;
My Soul for Comfort thirsts,
Like Land oppress'd with constant Drought.
4 Hear me with Speed, my Spirit fails,
Thy Face no longer hide;
Lest I become forlorn, like them
That in the Grave reside.
Thy Kindness let me hear,
Whose Trust on thee alone depends;
Teach me thy perfect Way,
For still my Soul to thee ascends.
5 Do thou, O LORD, from all my Foes,
Preserve, and set me free;
A safe Retreat against their Rage,
My Soul implores from thee.
Thy righteous Will, O GOD,
Instruct me ever to obey;
Let thy good Spirit lead
And keep my Soul in thy right Way.
6 Oh, for the sake of thy great Name,
Revive my drooping Heart:
For thy Truth's sake, to me distress'd,
Thy promis'd Aid impart.
In Pity to my Grief,
Do thou reduce my Foes to shame;
Slay them that vex my Soul,
Devoted to thy holy Name.
Source: The Psalms of David: with the Ten Commandments, Creed, Lord's Prayer, &c. in metre...for the use of the Reformed Protestant Dutch church of the city of New York #CXLIII