1 Lord, hear my Cry, regard my Pray'r,
which I, oppress'd with Grief,
2 From Earth's remotest Parts address
to Thee for kind Relief.
O! lodge me safe beyond the Reach
of persecuting Pow'r,
3 Thou who so oft from spiteful Foes
hast been my shelt'ring Tow'r.
4 So shall I in thy sacred Courts
secure from Danger lie;
Beneath the Covert of thy Wings,
all future Storms defy.
5 In Sign my Vows are heard, once more,
I o'er thy Chosen reign:
6 O! bless with long and prosp'rous Life
the King Thou didst ordain.
7 Confirm his Throne, and make his Reign
accepted in thy Sight;
And let thy Truth and Mercy both
in his Defence unite.
8 So shall I ever sing thy Praise,
thy Name for ever bless;
Devote my prosp'rous Days to pay
the Vows of my Distress.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the Tunes used in Churches #LXI