Bible Songs #169
Display Title: Longings for Sanctuary Fellowship First Line: Lord God of hosts, how lovely the place Tune Title: [Lord God of hosts, how lovely the place] Scripture: Psalm 84 Date: 1901 Subject: Access to God | ; Aspirations | For Christ; Aspirations | For Church Privileges; Aspirations | For Grace; Aspirations | For Heaven; Assurance | Desired; Blessedness | Of Those Who Visit God's House; Christ | Anointed; Christ | Communion with; Christ | Preciousness of; Christian Activity | ; Christians | Fellowship of; Christians | Graces of; Christians | Happiness of; Christians | Heirs of Heaven; Christians | Pilgrims and Strangers; Church | Beloved of Saints; Faith | Confidence of; Faith | Walking by; Glory of God | In Church and Heaven; God | King; Gospel | Fullness of; Gospel | Privileges of; Grace | Growth in; Heart | Good, Perfect, Pure, and Upright; House of God | ; Nature | An Emblem of Grace; Perseverance | ; Prayer | For Christ's Sake; Prayer | For Grace and Salvation; Steadfastness | ; The Righteous | Blessed; Trust in God | Blessed; Worship | Delightful to Saints; Zeal | True
Bible Songs #169