1 Look, pilgrim, weary of sorrow,
Be thou not tempted to sin;
Look to the blissful tomorrow,
See what a home you may win.
Angels e’er surround thee;
Look, pilgrim, and faint thou not;
Press onward thy journey,
Look upward to God.
2 Look to the heaven that is o’er thee,
Mansions prepared up on high;
Look to the joy that’s before thee,
Where you forget every sigh. [Refrain]
3 Look, and forget all thy sadness,
Lay thou aside every care;
Look to the day-dawn of gladness,
Sorrow can ne’er enter there. [Refrain]
4 Look! soon you’ll pass o’er the portal,
Soon you will meet with the blest;
Look! soon with blissful immortals,
There shall thy soul sweetly rest. [Refrain]
Source: Fair as the Morning. Hymns and Tunes for Praise in the Sunday-School #112