1 Long I wandered in the paths of sin,
Nor thought to ponder on the awful cost,
But there comes the “still small voice within,”
That tells me I am lost:
I am coming back to God,
I am coming back to God;
The paths of sin too long I’ve trod,
I am coming back to God.
2 Lost?—or can it be that He will hear,
And grant forgiveness to unworthy me;
Though with halting step and trembling fear,
I am resolved to see. [Refrain]
3 Naught have I to merit such great love,
That He should, thro’ His Son, my sins efface,
Yet He asks that I this love shall prove,
And simply trust His grace. [Refrain]
4 Ah, at last I doubt and fear no more,
But casting sin and ev’ry care behind;
At His feet my heart’s oblation pour,
Eternal life shall find. [Refrain]
Source: Uplifting Songs #134