1 Long had the nations sat
O’erwhelmed in shades of night;
Thick shades which scarce admission gave
To one faint gleam of light.
2 Behold the morning star,
Now ushers in the day!
John, was that burning shining light,
Sent to prepare the way.
3 Behold a greater light,
The sun itself arise!
Jesus, bright sun of righteousness,
Salutes our wondering eyes.
4 Light of the world! His beams
Dispel the doleful night;
He from our eyelids clears the film,
And pours in heavenly light.
5 Jesus! Thou light of men!
Thy doctrine life imparts;
O may we feel its quickening power,
To warm and glad our hearts.
6 Cheered by Thy beams, our souls
Shall run the heavenly way;
The paths which Thou hast marked and trod
Shall lead to endless day.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9495