1 Lone was the watch kept by those loving hearts,
Grief-filled the hours, so weary and forlorn
Till angels came, in heav’nly raiments clad,
Bringing to earth the tidings of a wondrous morn.
He liveth, He liveth,
Hosanna in the highest,
The Conq’ring King proclaim today,
He lives, He lives for aye.
2 Seek ye your Lord no longer in the tomb,
Haste to proclaim the tidings that He lives;
Over the grave no more shall terror reign,
His blessed promise unto all He freely gives. [Chorus]
3 Soon they beheld, with rapture heard His voice,
Sweet were the words of comfort and of cheer,
Peace and assurance then His presence brought,
Filled all their pathway with a radiance bright and clear. [Chorus]
Source: Kingdom Songs: for use in the Sunday School, the young people's meeting, the devotional service #226