1 Lo, they come, the victors! Banners are all furled;
For the cross of Jesus conquered has the world.
Marching home in triumph, crowd the mighty thong,
One their thorn-crowned leader, one their victor song.
In the highest glory, He from Heaven came;
Mighty to deliver, shout aloud His name.
2 They have washed their raiment, shining, snowy white;
Clothed are they with glory, as the sons of light.
Theirs the scars of battle, when the fight was on;
Theirs the shout of triumph, now the day is won. [Refrain]
3 Up the steeps they’re thronging, to celestial heights;
Ah, what joys await them, what supreme delights!
Theirs the wedding banquet, for refreshment spread;
Like great seas the chorus, by their voices sped. [Refrain]
4 To the Captain’s roll call, all make answer, "Here!"
"Blessèd of My Father, in His name draw near."
This the purchased kingdom, this the victor song;
The eternal chorus; pour its tide along. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #16100